duminică, 26 februarie 2017

Hackney Town Hall By Clare Halifax

Clare Halifax is an artist who understands the beauty of print making. Using highly skilled processes, with an impressive talent for illustration, Halifax creates prints of rich and meticulous detail, with design, pattern and colour playing crucial roles in the overall aesthetic. Halifax takes inspiration from her immediate surroundings, drawing on places of special significance from her own life to create busy, bustling cityscapes, filled with vibrancy and character. 'Hackney Town Hall' is a triumph of illustrative technique. The town hall takes centre stage, drawn with careful detail in simple black ink, like an architect's sketch. In the foreground, obscuring the peripheries of the building, run two avenues of trees, which Halifax has filled in with various shades of green, for contrast against the minimal monochrome. There is a charming simplicity to the image which is deceptive: Halifax's keen eye for colour, composition and illustration works hard to create an illusory naivety with enduring appeal. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD280.00
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